Car Renting Platform

A web application using Next.js, React.js, TypeScript and Tailwind that fetches an API with a car database so you can find the perfect rental for you!
Fantasy Client
Oct 2023
Full Stack Software Developer 👩🏻💻

The Development Project

For this fictional client, I undertook the challenge of designing a user-friendly car rental platform. This project harnessed the power of NextJs, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS technologies. In addition, it involved the implementation of API requests, error handling, pagination, search functionality, and the application of filters, all while fetching data from servers. The application is designed to be responsive, catering to desktop, tablet, and mobile users.

The Goal

Develop an easy-to-use car rental platform with a focus on user-friendliness.

The Solution

Build a responsive application incorporating an API integration, error handling, pagination, advanced search options, and dynamic filters for an optimal user experience across devices.


User Interface


User Interface

This project features a visually appealing interface developed using Tailwind CSS.


API Integration

Admin Access

API Integration

With an API integration, the user is able to browse multiple car listings on the main page.


Filtering Options

Display Information

Filtering Options

Users can easily search for cars based on brand, model, year, and fuel type.


More Information

Web App

More Information

Upon finding the desired car, users can click the "View More" button to access all the details about that specific car.